Category: Arts and Entertainment

NordVPN's survey has found that 66 percent of Internet users lack basic online privacy knowledge

NordVPN explores 4 major data collection methods in the U.S.

NordVPN explains security protocols and VPN service benefits to travelers using public Wi-Fi networks

NordVPN explains security issues with in-flight Wi-Fi, and describes safety measures to protect travelers' privacy

NordVPN gives advice on how to watch the Olympics from any country and offers a half price deal to sports fans
NordVPN gives advice how to stay safe online

NordVPN gives 60% off to the fans of the biggest European sports event

Inquiries about P2P and zero logs policy at NordVPN skyrocket over the weekend as Swedish police shows interest in people sharing files online

NordVPN gives advice on how to stay safe while conducting online activities and transactions amid growing fears for privacy and security

Open Media, an Internet advocacy group, addressed Netflix CEO in an open letter calling to stop VPN crackdown, since the main function of VPNs is privacy and security. NordVPN joins the call to collect signatures for the cause.

Americans can access three to six times more TV show & movie titles than paying customers in other countries. This continues to raise global discontent with the company, causing users to revert to illegal streaming or unsubscribing from Netflix entirely.